The job was originally handled by a maintenance/painting specialist and then when the symptoms re-emerged 12 months later, Suncoast Concrete Repairs was commissioned to repair the concrete cancer properly.
The following case-study illustrates perfectly the issues with repairing concrete incorrectly initially (doing a ‘patch job’) and then, after the damage has become much deeper, the steps required to correct a situation that has gone from a relatively simple task to a task that requires major reconstruction.
By the time symptoms are appearing it indicates that there is much deeper damage.
The tell-tale signs on the surface can never provide an accurate assessment of the underlying damage. While we can have an educated guess, ultimately it requires physical exploration.
Only after the true extent of the damage has been assessed can a comprehensive plan to repair the concrete be formulated. Depending on structural damage engineering reports and direction may be required. At 20% loss of steel, engineering involvement is a licensing requirement.
The repaired concrete is finished in preparation for painting.
This is a case-study of an all too common issue where a problem is identified but not repaired properly when it would have been relatively simple. The concrete cancer is sealed inside the repair job and over subsequent months gets progressively worse. Make sure you get the job done right the first time. Contact Suncoast Concrete Repairs as soon as possible on 0423 53 99 66 for an obligation free estimate.
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